Adept Data Sysems, L.L.C.
L-59 Executive Mews
1930 Route 70 East
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003-4201


Re: Managing Director® Demonstration Licenses

Dear Prospective Licensee:

    Managing Director demonstration licenses are available for request by completing the Demonstration License Order Form on our Web site. After your order is received we will send a demonstration license file to you enclosed within an e-mail message to the address you specify. A special user name and password in the message will enable you to download the appropriate files from our Web site.

    Demonstration licenses enable Managing Director so that it is fully functional until a fixed expiration date. After the expiration date new records may not be added. The expiration date is usually 30 to 45 days after the demonstration license is issued. Demonstration licenses show the name of the parent firm of the developer of Managing Director as the licensee, and always include an expiration date.

    We consider demonstration licensees to be “temporary” licensees during the term of the demonstration license. As such, demonstration licensees have access to our technical support during the license term. We encourage full use of technical support as a part of the evaluation process. If your firm wishes to purchase a full license, a demonstration license may be easily converted with a new enablement key.

     Managing Director is shipped configured with a special demonstration user and demonstration data. A special Tour Guide window is available to the demonstration user. The Tour Guide provides a convenient introduction to several of the Main Feature Sets. Demonstration licensees may also log in as the Administrator and explore the numerous configuration options available. This includes creating real user identities.

     Managing Director documentation is available to demonstration licensees in two forms. The first is a Portable Document Format (PDF) file that can be opened with Acrobat or Acrobat Reader. This file contains many screen images. The second is a text version that can be opened by selecting Custom Help from the Apple menu while using Managing Director. This menu item opens a dialog box listing available topics. Selecting a topic from the scrolling list on the left causes related help text to appear in the scrolling text box on the right.

     Demonstration licensees will find Managing Director to be quite unique when compared to other management or accounting systems previously encountered. Part of the purpose of evaluation should be to develop the fresh perspective necessary to understand and appreciate what Managing Director may do for your firm. As with all applications that truly embrace the Macintosh way of doing things, there are often several ways of accomplishing things previously thought impossible. Managing Director itself will help guide you, and so will we.

Sincerely yours,

Michael S. Scaramella


Adept Data Systems, L.L.C. Reception Area